iOS 8 beta brings userswith new
experiences but also generates programming errors, therefore, users should
backup data and consider carefully before installation.
Right after its launch on June 3rd,
Apple has released iOS 8 beta for developers. However, normal users can also
download and install by the following guidelines:
Backup is an important step before
installing iOS 8 beta. Screenshot.
Connect to iPhone, iPad by iTunes to
back up all data to the computer. Access this address to download firmware compatible with different
codes. After downloading, unzip the file .zip to the file .ipsw.
On iTunes, click Alt/Optionon Mac and Shift
on Windows, and then select Check for Update. Popup window requires linking to download iOS 8 file (.ipsw). Computer requires upgrade confirmation. The installation
will take place in about 3 to 5 minutes.
iOS 8 is still being tested, users
should consider before upgrading. After following the above instruction, users
should not reboot the device to avoid iPhone, iPad’s activation request.
to downgrade to iOS 7.1.1 or handle case arised:
iPhone, iPadto DFU mode to downgrade. Screenshot.
Access thisaddress to download the latest firmware iOS (7.1.1 version) compatible with each device code. Set device to DFU mode by
plugging iPhone, iPadto computer having enabled iTunes. Hold Home button and Power
button at the same time until iPhone, iPad goes off, relieve Power button but
press Home button for another 10 seconds.
iTunes will display iPhone Recovery Mode. Click Alt/Optionon
Mac and Shifton Windows andselect
Restore iPhone. A popup window appears to require linking to download iOS
7.1.1 file (.ipsw). Press OK to complete the downgrade and reinstallation.